Photo: J. Lantelme
2015 Installation
Corrugated sheet metal, sound loop, vibrating loudspeaker
220 x 400 x 230 cm
"Since time immemorial, the hut stood on the neighbouring property and held a secret. As children, we would sneak around the structure, trying to catch a glimpse inside through slits and holes without being caught by the strict neighbours. When I visited my parents a few months ago, there it was, the hut made of corrugated iron, stacked up and disassembled into its individual parts. No trace of a secret, nothing left there but the roof, wall and door elements that once formed the space."
In the installation, I turned the corrugated iron garage upside down. The always visible, rusty outside now faces inwards and the inside steps out.
Photos: J. Lantelme
2015 Installation
Corrugated sheet metal, sound loop, vibrating loudspeaker
220 x 400 x 230 cm
"Since time immemorial, the hut stood on the neighbouring property and held a secret. As children, we would sneak around the structure, trying to catch a glimpse inside through slits and holes without being caught by the strict neighbours. When I visited my parents a few months ago, there it was, the hut made of corrugated iron, stacked up and disassembled into its individual parts. No trace of a secret, nothing left there but the roof, wall and door elements that once formed the space."
In the installation, I turned the corrugated iron garage upside down. The always visible, rusty outside now faces inwards and the inside steps out.